Know More About Bursitis Pain and Symptoms

Have you been walking or doing intense activities on harsh surfaces or are your feet painful and inflamed from repetitive motion or irritation from shoes? Then that might be the reason why you are experiencing pain when you stand, walk or run. You might also have noticed a small fluid-filled sac on the heel and the toes. These are the early symptoms of bursitis. Bursitis, in simple terms, is an inflammation and swelling of a synovial bursa. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that forms beneath the skin, ordinarily over the joints, and is basically a cushion sandwiched between the tendons and bones. The toes and the heel are the most affected in the foot. This piece will delve into the causes, remedies, and prevention of foot bursitis.

Bursitis pain

Main Causes of Bursitis


By now, you are probably wondering what causes foot bursitis. To start with, the main cause of foot bursitis is irritation from nonstop use and overuse of the foot, such as persistent standing or running. Correspondingly, they can be as a result of sport-related impacts which might cause direct trauma to the foot. Wearing shoes that are too tight might also trigger direct pressure to an area over the foot bursa which will eventually trigger bursitis.

Common Symptoms


1.   Pain

Pain in your feet especially when standing, walking or running can be very frustrating. It is one of the most evident symptoms when diagnosing bursitis. You will feel pain in the specific area of the foot that is affected. The severity of the pain depends on inflamed the bursitis is.

2. Swelling and Tenderness in the Affected Area

When the bursa is injured, the tissue inside it gets irritated, resulting in inflammation. The swelling is usually gradual and magnifies as the injury to the tissue continues. The swelling impairs movement to friction and localized pain.

3. Hot, Red Skin Over the Affected Area of Your Foot

Redness and heat are caused by increased blood flow. The immune system automatically increases blood flow when the tissues around the foot are irritated. As a result, the skin over the affected area becomes hot and red.

Diagnosis and Treatment


1.  Managing Pain and Inflammation at the Initial Stage

You will start by taking measures to relieve the pain and swelling. Painkillers such as ibuprofen are readily available over the counter and do not require a doctor’s prescription. Correspondingly, to help reduce swelling by applying ice or moist heat using a heating pad on the affected area. Resting your foot is also a great way of ensuring that bursitis doesn’t get worse. To boost your foot’s shock absorption, you can use deep cushioning cups. This will help tame the pain.

2. Doctor’s Diagnosis and Prescription

After taking the above measures you will then be required to book an appointment with your doctor for proper diagnosis. Your doctor will physically examine you based on your symptoms and make a diagnose. However, the doctor might be forced to perform further intense tests should your condition be advanced to ascertain your condition and to ensure that you are not suffering from other conditions that may also trigger pain. Your doctor is likely to remove excess fluid from the bursa if your condition as the fluid can be become infected and trigger more serious conditions. Generally, after proper diagnose the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory medication, painkillers, or a cortisone steroid injection. In very rare cases, surgery may also be considered when bursitis takes too long to heal.

2.  How Long Does It Take for Bursitis to Go Away?

If you take medication as required, rest and protect the foot from further trauma bursitis will disappear within weeks. Bursitis should also be treated early to minimalize damage, reduce symptoms and maintain motion and strength. Conversely, bursitis might reoccur if the foot has put any pressure or experiences irritation from shoes. For that reason, post-treatment care is very important to ensure that bursitis heals completely and don’t become recurrent. You may want to consider wearing roomy footwear to give your painful feet a chance to heal.

3.  Bursitis Post-Treatment Care and Prevention

There are several ways of ensuring a better recovery from bursitis. Some of the ways include:

Resting Your Foot


Whether your bursitis healed after home treatment or after receiving medical attention. You still need to work towards prevention or recurrent bursitis. As discussed earlier it is important to rest your foot by avoiding activities that might strain your tissues and cause a further tear. Also remember that too much use of your foot might irritate the bursa, therefore too much walking or running.

Warming Up Before Intense Foot Activity


Before taking part in vigorous physical activity it is important to warm up. This prepares your foot for the activity and curbs foot strain. After exercising you should also stretch your foot muscles to make sure they are at ease.

Bursitis Pain and Symptoms

Deep Cushioning Heel Cups


They provide exceptional shock absorption and help prevent foot fatigue and irritation. Additionally, they help stabilize the foot by properly aligning your feet with the ankle. Proper alignment reduces pain and any other form of a foot injury.

Wearing Comfortable Shoes


Wearing roomy and comfortable shoes prevents irritation and friction at the inflamed points. So, shoe therapy is an effective long-term prevention and treatment tool for bursitis. The Shoes should have a sufficiently wide toe box, possess a flat support base from heel to toe and have a flexible sole that can bend or twist. These factors help reduce pressure, friction, and inflammation under the heel. Hence a hale and hearty Best bursitis free foot.

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Agents

These are dietary supplements and herbal remedies that can be helpful in subduing inflammation, reducing pain, and improving treatment times for bursitis. The two most common natural remedies are turmeric and fish oils. Whereas turmeric has painkilling capabilities, fish oils help reduce inflammation hence perfect for your foot.

Final Thoughts

Normally, bursa causes no snags unless it becomes inflamed and painful which may worsen with activity. If you regularly take part in sports that comprise extreme motion you are at high risk of getting bursitis. Medical conditions such as arthritis, lupus or gout can sometimes trigger bursitis. Thus, be on the lookout for any warning signs, bursitis can be prevented if symptoms are detected early.

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